No Media Data using AOL Radio USA in CA

Begonnen von heytae, November 30, 2007, 00:10:38

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Hi Thomas,

I don't know if you remember me, but we exchanged some emails back a year or two ago about AIMRecord.  My name is Tae.  I haven't used it since then due to some issues I then ran into, but when I got your email below, I decided to give your new beta version (2.4.603) another try.

Using AOL Radio (USA), I cannot get any Media Data.  I was initially able to put a check mark in the box "get media data from provider" but now that box is grayed out (shows the check mark still in there although grayed out) and NO media data is shown.  I've rebooted XP Pro at least 3 times and tried various options to see if it'd work.  I remember having a similar issue a couple of years ago, but it'd sometimes work back then.  Now it's not working at all.  Without media data, I'm not getting any mp3 files created.  Log file says:
2:08:09 PM   INFO   Receiving audio data again.
2:08:29 PM   INFO   No audio data since 21 seconds.
2:57:56 PM   START
2:58:18 PM   INFO   No audio data since 20 seconds.
2:58:31 PM   INFO   Receiving audio data again.
2:58:51 PM   INFO   No audio data since 20 seconds.
2:58:53 PM   INFO   Receiving audio data again.

In the temporary folder, I'm seeing large .WAV files, but no MP3 files in the folder where my music is suppose to go.

Any help would be appreciated, as I'd like to try your program out again.  So far, it's been difficult.



Hi Tae,

Can you give me some more information?

Which OS are you using? Using AOL Radio inside the AOL client? Which version? If not, in the MS IE?

Perhaps publish a screen shot.

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Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply.  After some experimentation, I was able to resolve the issue of not getting Media Data shown (it was an IE issue).  As a reminder, I'm a returning customer who decided to give AOMRecord another try after being away from it for a year or two.

Since I got past that issue, I've discovered that my license isn't being recognized.  Sigh.  This is more trouble than I was expecting.  My license was purchased for version 2.0 for the same laptop and after uninstall and re-install a few times, I'm guessing that it's not recognizing the valid license for some reason.  I searched on the forum and saw the FAQ about unrecognized license, but I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do.  I did have to replace my laptop's hard drive around 1.5 years ago--can that be causing an issue?

My license may be under my email address of taekangmv at aol dot com, heytae at aim dot com or heytae at pacbell dot net under the name of Tae Kang.  I've sent you via a private email the registration data from Step 2.  Not sure what else you might need.

Can you please verify that my license is still valid?  Thanks.



Hi Tae,

Could you please inform us what IE issue there was? Might be interesting for others as well.

For your new key please read this: .

Have a nice sunday

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The issue with IE6 was that I was using a 3rd party skin called Avant Browser.  Although it uses the IE6 browser engine, apparently it doesn't work with AOMRecord 2.x.  I have to manually copy/paste the AOL Radio URL into the plain IE6.  Then AOMRecord Media Data appears.

I've submitted my request for a replacement key.  Since I don't recall all the data I registered under, I submitted all of them that I can remember.  Please email me back if you need further info to verify my original purchase.  Thanks Thomas.



One other thing Thomas....

I am not sure which username I registered under, but I can tell you a few of them I may have used back then, if that helps with your verification.  I'd rather not put those usernames on this public forum, so please let me know if that prevents you from finding my original registration.  If you can't find me in your system, I'll give you more data so that you can find me.  I KNOW for sure that I was registered under version 2.0.  Thanks.




I'm sorry, but I cannot verify your data. Please do as described in the previously mentioned article. There is no other way. If you lost your key you must pay the upgrade price.

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