When you have finished streaming you favourite music album, you maybe want to make some corrections. You need track number, name of the album etc. You maybe want to adjust the volume of the tracks. This is how I do:
Save your files in a special named folder: Artist/Album. Before anything else, save this folder to another safe place, if something goes wrong.
1. Run MP3gain
http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/It's free.
Here you can gain (adjust) the volume. Do this before you edit the tags. I have seen that tags can be lost after this operation.
2. Run PS Filerenamer
http://www.polarsoft.de/html/polarsoft_-___ps_filerenamer__.htmlIt cost only 10 Euro.
Flexible Renamer from
http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA014830/english/FlexRena/It's free.
Here you can mass rename your files. You can add 01-, 02-, 03- (and further on) before the filename. You can delete parts of the filename. Ex from pos 1 to 15. This could be the artist name in the file name.
3. Run ID3Renamer
http://www.id3renamer.com/main-en.htmlIt's also free.
Now you can rename tags from filename or wise versa. Also give tag info of: Album, Artist, Genre etc.
You have finished your job and can compare your files as they should be ripped direct from a music CD.
That's it.
Have fun.