Aol Radio Slowly Dying ?

Begonnen von Ice Tea, Mai 10, 2008, 23:32:20

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Ice Tea

Hi everyone. The old Aol Radio service has stopped existing in France, in Uk and the rest of Europe will soon follow.
Aol has made a deal with Last-Fm for all Europe.
The player has disappeared and now on the Aol web page we have a clone of the Last-Fm player.
All the Aol radios have vanished, we can only choose one artist and the player will follow with similar artists. If i want for example to listen the latests pop hits; well : don't even think of it ! All i can't do is selecting is a "tagged radio"; that's to say a list of songs based on tags made by the users : for exemple "Pop" goes from Tatu to the Beatles. The list of very specialized aol stations is gone !
Moreover the tags are not recognised by Aomrecord.
Aol Germany stills exists but the canadian version has also left and has been replaced by Shoutcast.

As the german Aol Radio is condemned we'll be only with the american version left.

It's pretty sad as i'm not interested by last-fm.
What are your thoughts about that?

Just another question : what is the format and the bitrate of the music
streamed by Last-Fm? Is that music ripped by the Uk based team or are
they songs uploaded by the users (which would mean a lot of badly encoded
tracks like in

Good evening.



Hi Alexandre,

I don't know anything about AOL Radio dying. I've never been able to listen AOL Radio France and UK. So I don't know anything about these countries.

The German version is still running fine.

AOL Radio USA seems to change to AOL Radio 4 which still is accompanied by a "Beta". Therefore I don't have the impression they are not going to drop their service.

Any more thoughts?

BTW, have you tried to get into the radios using AOMplayer?

Greetings Thomas
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Just tried again. UK is blocked from Germany. But France seems to work now. Try this link: and let me know what is going on.

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Ice Tea

It's me again : i don't know where you found that link! It works ! But for how long ? The old player has vanished from // and //
It's been replaced by Last-Fm. Idem with UK.

The German Aol site has already abandonned the player for the Last-Fm clone

You can read comments there :


Hi Alexandre,

I adapted AOMrecord and AOMplayer to support last·fm as the new AOL Radio with the last update (2.4.613). Please try and post the result here.

Have a nice we! Thomas
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Ice Tea

Gutten abend (i don't know if it's correctlly spelled !). I've updated the soft
and tried the new Aol/Last-Fm service. Great job as usual Thomas; the songs
are correctly tagged !
It will please Last-Fm users, but i won't use it because i never liked this
service. I'll stick with the good old Aol Radio (now only available in Usa).
Bye !


Hi Alex,

Nice to hear from you! And thanks for your answer!

Correct spelling would be: Guten Abend ;-). Thanks for trying anyway.

I definitely agree with you. I definitely don't like last·fm either. Very strange user interface. I prefer services like Slacker and Pandora.

Hopefully AOL USA will stay with us.

Au revoir
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I should say that the service has undergone several incarnations since the days. Currently they will be changing their allegiance to CBS Radio and have dropped XMRadio. I suspect Radio@AOL is tinkering a bit in trying to play music and not to pay too much to do all of us.


Ice Tea

Hello everyone.

Now that Aol Radio is out in Europe and Canada i wish that Aomrecord could get the metadata of the new player powered by CBS : can it be done ?

Right now we can still access the old player through Aomplayer but i suspect it won't last as it's not mentionned anywhere in the Aol web page.

By the way, on this page the "beta version 4.0" is only temporary accessible to narrowband users who have problems with the CBS player.

A last question : can Thomas make it possible for the software to get the metadata of Aol Radios streamed with the last version of Winamp?
I was surprised that they are streamed at 128kb ! (whereas those stations have always had 64kb AAC on all Aol players).



Hi Alex,

Can you give me a URL for AOL for Winamp?

Have a nice WE!
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Ice Tea

Good evening, thanks for the quick answer.

Unfortunatly it was impossible for me to locate the url adress of a aol radio that i opened (daft punk radio), i even tried a "url sniffer" program without result.

Would be great if you found a trick (doubled bitrate !).

Hasta la vista.




I even don't know how to use AOL Radio with WinAmp. Could you please let me know how to do that? Do I need a special version of WinAmp or is 5.52 ok?

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Ice Tea

The new "Aol Radio featuring CBS" can only be accessed with the last version :
5.54 .
The service appears on the left column : "Online services"/"Aol Radio".

The Cbs streams are crap : 64kb and 22100 KHZ whereas Aol stations have been improved up to  128kb/44100 KHZ.



OK, I finally worked out something that gives a solution (not yet the final ;-)).

Please follow these steps:

- Rename MSIE.ini in AOMrecord's program folder to MSIE.ini.old.
- Download the file into the same folder.

Try AOMrecord and let me know if it works.


P.S. But this solution does not take over album and cover image. I hope, it's ok this way as well. Please notify here!
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Just happen to see the forum today as the AOL radio wasn't working. tried this new ini change and its working great using winamp.
