No Artist and Title when using AOMrecord with Radio@AOL

Begonnen von Thomas, Mai 10, 2004, 18:55:43

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Hi Everybody,

From a customer in the United States I got the information that AOMrecord is not always able to retrieve artist and title when it is used with Radio@AOL.

There is a workaround for this: Please use this link instead of the regular Radio@AOL button when you want to record Radio@AOL with AOMrecord:

This link should be copied into the address line at the top of the AOL client software. It can be saved like any other regular link inside the AOL software.

I haven't yet been able to find the reason for this behaviour. Maybe someone could give me some assistance because I cannot access AOL USA from Germany. Please let me know and I'll work something out.

Have a nice day and happy recordings!

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This issue has been solved with version 1.1.468!
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