meta data for yahoo and aol using cbs radio

Begonnen von k6you, Februar 17, 2010, 06:46:27

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hi thomas and gand
i just started using aomrecord again and notice a bit of changes. i guess aol and yahoo are using the cbs radio. i can not sem to get it to work retreving metadata. i have looked around on here and really couldnt find a solution. i saw from another post that there was an issue at on time.
anyways, i click on the launch aomplayer and use the aol or yahoo. it brings up the player and it plays fine. just no metadata, even using the
so, what have i done wrong?
thanks in advance
Scott Vicini


Hi Scott,

You most probably haven't done anything wrong. Sorry, but currently there's no way to get the media data from AOL and CBS. They use a flash player without appropriate interface. can only be used with or a station that scrobbles its data to

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