Registered but still getting the BEEP

Begonnen von clincoln777, Oktober 31, 2008, 03:14:19

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I purchased and registered my software but I still get the beep recorded within all of my rips.  What is going on here?  :(



If you have proceeded as described in the license key email and if there appeared a "registered correctly" message your future recordings will no longer record the beep. Inside past recordings the beep cannot be removed.

Please give more information.


P.S. Please read this: and use a real name.
Bitte beachten Sie das Urheberrecht und verstoßen Sie nicht gegen von Ihnen akzeptierte Geschäftsbedingungen.
Please don't violate copyright laws and observe the terms that you agreed to.


I re-registered the software and it is working perfectly!  This is a terrific piece of software.
