
ECSync! => ECSync! (English) => Thema gestartet von: Thomas am Januar 08, 2006, 19:07:39

Titel: ECSync! Version 2 Preview
Beitrag von: Thomas am Januar 08, 2006, 19:07:39
Please write your experience with the preview of the new ECSync! version here! Of course suggestions for improvement are always very welcome, too.

Thank you very much!

Titel: ECSync! Version 2
Beitrag von: SteveHogan am Januar 18, 2006, 12:37:17
HI Thomas,

I"ve installed the beta version of the new version ECSync!  and am very happy with it. No problems with installation or usage.

I particularly like the added feature whereby I can delete files from within ECSync.

Keep up the good work.

Steve Hogan
Titel: ECSync! Version 2 Preview
Beitrag von: fernando.mansito@skynet.b am Januar 19, 2006, 00:17:19
Hello Thomas!

:lol: Excellent as always, not only for the quality of the analysis and origramming, but also for the capability to listen and translate ideas into friendly features.

Now back to work. The Preview version is so good that I wanted to register today. What else would I suggest?

(1) Two-sided file and directory deletions very well thought and close the loop nicely, now that's a powerful syncer! --> Does consolidation, sync and backup. Brilliant.
(2) Would limit list under "Empty" to tree-bottom dirs with no files.
(3) Zoom to continue working on, in my copy it goes off by itself still.
(4) One thing I would add: allow specific commands ("header 0" items) for any sync ("header >0" section) or introduce Sync Sections with specific commands applicable to a group of syncs --> Thomas, if you kindly did that then we could have true sets of syncs in a single profile with strict sync sequence...

Thank you very much Thomas and congratulations for your splendid work
Titel: ECSync! Version 2 Preview
Beitrag von: Thomas am Januar 19, 2006, 10:36:46
Hi Fernando,

Thanks for your answer!

Could you please explain (2) and (3) a bit more. I don't understand exactly what you mean.

I'll think about (4). But my first idea is that this will be a structural change in the code that is too big for this release.

Have a nice day!

Titel: ECSync! Version 2 Preview
Beitrag von: fernando.mansito@skynet.b am Januar 19, 2006, 11:16:53
:lol: Hello Thomas!

(2) Possibly my mistake, Thomas, was related to the directory tree display the you get when you click "Empty". I have read the instructions again and I don't understand well the relation between the directory tree shown and the function of the "Empty" button - but I prefer not doing anything while the directory tree is showing and all directories listed remain selected.
(3) In my copy as installed, Extras-DefaultSettings-Options-Zoom factor usually initially shows 100%. Each time I change anything in the Default Settings dialog and click "Apply", the display zooms in to double (first 200%, then 400%...). I find no obvious way of correcting that, because if I decrease the zoom factor then I get smaller, tiny-tiny or growing, immense dialogs and mostly bigger, gigantic displays without any obvious relation to the factor that I set, and I loose control. Most of the time everything resets itself by closing and rerunning the program, but sometimes it insists even after that in showing the disastrous results of the former time.

By the way,
(5) The first time I ran the program, when the first assistant page displayed it was in English, but I got an error message more or less "Cannot find Help2\ECSync.htm". I edited ECSync.bat and saw it has a parameter that should have converted the filename concerned to Help2\ECSyncenglish.htm, so I suppose there is an insidious bug that only appears the first time one runs the program and makes that ECSync.bat is called without the parameter - but does not impede the assistant from showing up in English. From the second time I ran the program everything was OK, so perhaps the buggy call is one that looks into a .ini file where the program stores the preferred language, and the first time, even if the language has already been chosen (which is the case), it does not work.

Tell me Thomas please, I remember that (perhaps in the first newsletter) I saw a point of yours saying that now one can add together two profiles by dropping them I don't know where. I am looking to that again, but now that you have answered my (4), I am asking myself how can that be done if the "0" heading of the two profiles is not allowed to differ - the second, added profile will be modified without the user realizing anything! It is because of that remark of yours about adding profiles together that I made that suggestion, candidly thinking that if profiles with different headings could be added together by drag-and-drop, why not make the feature shine a bit more. Will return to you once I spot the point I referred to.

Congratulations again, and my very best regards Thomas
