Hi Nick,
Thank you very much for your review!
Zitat1. After doing a comparison, I review the files with changes. If I do not want to synch a file I would uncheck it. If I want to delete a file I right click and then click "delete". However I have noticed that after I delete a file it resets the entire listing to also reset the files that I had originally uncheck. Is there a way to correct this or was it setup like that on purpose
In fact I haven't thought about the delete feature this way before and right now I'm not sure if restoring the list with the same marks as before is what other users want. Maybe someone else can write his/her meaning about this. Anyway, do you think it is a solution if someone first deselects all entries, selects those that have to be deleted, deletes them and continues with the other tasks? Please let me know what you think.
Nevertheless, to me this looks as it eventually might become a quite important and useful change.
Zitat2. The menu could be more descriptive e.g SU, HD, SF
?? what do they refer to
These are described on the first page in the help (F1). I thought to keep them short to leave enough room for the other information. Any suggestions?
Here's what they mean:
Su - Refers to all subdirectories below the displayed directory.
SD - System directories
HD - Hidden directories
SF - System files
HF - Hidden files
Zitat3. Exclude Folders. Could there be a way of selecting folders instead of having to type them in
Well, wouldn't be a big thing to add this. But, again, I'd like to ask what others think. BTW. you can drag and drop folders here from a Windows Explorer window. Would that help?
Best regards
BTW. I changed your email address from your posting to keep at least a few spam emails away from you ;-).